Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Tuesday Teachings

Brody is 10 months old today. Can I just take a second to ask how the heck that happened??? I mean seriously! I know I say this often, but it still marvels me how time can fly and yet seem to stand still all at the same time. Dashing our hopes that his first meaningful word would be mama or dada, it seems that the cat is who Brody loves most. So cat is the first official word. Who would have thought? =) But I guess the good news is that he is putting meaning to sounds- so I can't really complain... much. I know one day I'll wonder why I ever wanted him to learn to say mama (you know those days when that's the only word the kid will say?) But for right now, it would make my heart melt.

But since the boy just woke up... I better hurry up, so here's today's lesson.


Don't ever wish that time will pass you by. Enjoy each day for what it is, and take the time to realize that every day is special and that the journey is just as important (sometimes more so) than the destination.

I love you!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Wonderful lesson. And one I need to take to heart myself. Isabella's first word was dada. Then duck. Then dog. And now, new this week, mama! Finally! And that heart melting thing-totally true.