Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Are 5 month old babies supposed to throw fits? Cause mine does. If he doesn't want to be alone, he'll scream really loud for like 3 seconds and then he'll look up just to make sure someone is watching and smile. I really thought we had a few months before that started.

Hmmm... what else? Is it bad that I get a laugh when he's sitting up and all of a sudden topples over? I mean it's not like he hurts himself, and he kinda thinks it's fun, but I feel so mean for thinking it's funny!

We're fighting again with sleep. With being sick, he was sleeping in his infant carrier so that he was more upright- so now we're back to the crib, and let's just say that he has his mom's stubborn streak. I am dreaming of uninterrupted sleep (before I wake up 15 minutes later...)


M said...

Ah yes. Maddy has started arching her back and yelling in anger. I think she's going to have a little temper! Oh boy!

Kristi said...

Yup. My little girl has quite the temper too. She cries, like Brody, when I have the audacity to leave her alone playing to run to the bathroom. And also when I take paper away from her because she's putting it in her mouth.

And yeah, babies toppling over IS funny. You're not alone there!